Monthly Archives: December 2014

The Season of Giving

Here in North America it is the holiday season, so I hope this short post finds everyone able to take some time away from work and refocus on spending time as you would like: with family, relaxing, at a retreat, etc.

Since this is also known as the season of giving, I thought I would share with you a very generous gift – Untouchable Woman’s Odyssey by Suwanda Sugunasiri is available for free at this link:

The author originally offered this story as his 75th birthday gift to the world, so it is fitting that it be offered to our blog readers during this season of giving. Thank-you Dr. Sugunasiri!

And to you, dear reader, best wishes for a new year filled with 365 days of potential. The year 2015 promises to be very transitional for me, so there will be fewer posts. That said, I look forward to continuing to discover more works of Buddhist fiction and alert you to more great reading opportunities.