Monthly Archives: December 2023

Catching Up, Moving Forward, and a New Category

It’s been more than a few months since I have posted. I needed a break, so I took it. But now I feel the need to catch up in order to ‘close out the year’, and the only way I can think to do so is to finish writing up the posts I’ve missed and back date them. So you may be alerted to a post from, say, July 2023 in January 2024. I hope the time discrepancy is not too jarring.

In the meantime I’ll fill you in on my newest adventure – editing. I recently helped edit a non-fiction Buddhist book that was published last month: Pith Instructions from My Teachers by James Gritz. You can find a copy at Sumeru Press or on Amazon.

Moving forward, I want to be able to write about contemporary creative Buddhist literature outside of the fiction genre, with emphasis on “creative” and discluding anything that would fall under self-help. To this end, I have added the blog post category “Not Buddhist Fiction” to the Buddhist Fiction Blog. This will allow for the occasional blog that expands the genre scope to Buddhism as it intersects with poetry, memoir, and other creative non-fiction works. I may even mention the occasional academic and/or educational book.

My desire for expansion comes from recently writing about Buddhism and American Literature and remembering how much I enjoy reading outside of the fiction genre. Sometimes a poem really resonates, and sometimes enjoying a creatively written memoir makes it even more memorable when it is shared. If you have suggestions of English literature that is also Buddhist to discuss or review, feel free to send in suggestions.

And for next year and many more to come, dear friends, may everyone be safe, happy, healthy, and may everyone live with ease.